Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Mom, I have diarrhea."

The blessed day has arrived that my boys go back to school from being off track.  I'd even threatened to send them back early!  Yesterday morning I'm getting everyone up in preparation for scriptures and prayer so HawkFire could head out the door to the bus stop.  Kobee comes up the stairs and says, "Mom, I have diarrhea."  Oh, shoot.  I'd heard that the "gomboo" was going around already this fall and we've been so healthy that I was quite surprised to hear him say this.  We had scriptures and prayer and I sent HawkFire out the door to school, all the while contemplating why my six year old has diarrhea.  

The epiphany finally came to me!  Sat. at the Farmer's Market I bought a small bucket of plums.  Kobee has discovered the joys of fruit this summer and he ate a good amount of those plums since I had them on a bowl on the counter top.  Kobee insisted he go back to school despite his problem, so I wrote a note to his teacher asking her to let him use the restroom as often as needed.  

I was curious as to how Kobee's teacher reacted when she read the note, so I asked him at dinner what she said.  You'll have to use your imagination here, but she winked, put up her thumb and made a cute click with her mouth.  Last night before bedtime Kobee announced, "Mom, I don't have diarrhea any more!"  

We've enjoyed a lot of other fruits this summer as well.  I picked up a case of peaches at Peterson's associated food store last week and I've been eating them like crazy.  We're down to the last dozen in the bottom of the box and they're getting soft.  I'm going to have to use the rest tonight.  I've already made jam from the last box we bought, so I'm thinking about dehydrating the rest of these.  The next batch of jam I make will be pumpkin jam!  

1 comment:

  1. You are halarious with the nicknames! I laugh everytime I read your blog. I start guessing who you are talking about. The church mouse made me laugh. Too Funny!
