Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Gem Faire

Since I've been beading and making jewelry, I've wanted to go to a rock show in hopes to find some killer deals on beads.  It finally happened!  The unfortunate thing is that I had no one to go with to ooh and aah over beads.  So, I met a couple people there and had fun without a buddy.  The fun part about the bead show is getting to see thousands upon thousands of top of the line quality gem stones that I could never afford.  For example, I love tourmaline.  The strings are tied together in bunches so I picked them up to read the price tag.  $1200 a string, and I'm holding about a dozen strings.  Oh, but they're half price this weekend.  (Cuz that will make a difference.)  Anyway, I did find lots of good deals.  I bought most of my strings of rocks for $1-$3 a string.  I also found several awesome pendants.  Unfortunately, there's never enough money to buy everything you'd like to get.  For example, I wish I would have bought some more rose quartz.  The next gem faire is March 20-22.  I'll have to start saving money now so that I can have a good amount to spend!

I also shopped some yard sales today.  I decided to shop in different neighborhoods since I was already on the other side of the valley.  I found it to be very frustrating; however, I did find a yard sale that was selling a roto tiller and after talking them down, I decided to buy it as well as a spreader.  It will be helpful considering we have a huge garden and yard.  Now to pull all the dead weeds back there.  It's got to get done, but today I need to work on the front garage.  With fall here, winter is on its way and I'd like both cars to fit in the front garage.  

Time to get to work.  Hugs to all!

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