Wednesday, October 26, 2011

High Adventures

It’s hard to remember all the details of the trip I hope to remember. But there are certain things that stand out that I hope to never forget.

The first two days we were in Anaheim were Saturday and Sunday. Matt had been fighting a headache so we pulled out the new bottle of Tylenol in hopes to get rid of his headache. Shortly after taking the meds, Matt collapsed. “I’m not sure why, but I’m extremely tired. I’m going to take a nap.” After this happening two days in a row, we figured out that he had been taking Tylenol PM, which has a sleeping agent in it. So…I guess we won’t be taking this as a pain killer while in Disneyland. LOL! So funny! After walking through Disneyland for a day, we were very tired and very sore. Matt and I distributed Tylenol PM to four of the six of us and we slept great!

To save money on lunches, we packed a picnic lunch two of the days. Once you reach Disneyland proper, you go through bag check stations. They didn’t mind that we were bringing food into the park, but they don’t allow rolling bags of any kind. Nothing can be pulled behind us. The first day we were sent over to a locker area. I was strictly instructed to not set down the bag, I had to carry it across the way to the lockers. These lockers were smaller. We had to take stuff out of our rolling cooler and stuff it in to the locker. Lovely. That evening after leaving CA Adventure, we had to cross to the other side and go through baggage search again where they proceeded to chew us out for using such a big bag in those lockers. “But that’s where they told me to go this morning.” So the lady told me about the “right” place for larger bags where there are larger lockers. Hallelujah! Except that the lady escorted us to the other baggage search to make sure our rolling bag did not touch the ground.

The next morning we knew where to go. At the baggage search, they sent someone with us to make sure once again that our rolling bag did not touch the ground, AND to make sure we actually put it into the locker.

On day three we decided to skip lunch, leave the bag at the pad, snack a lot, and have an early dinner. heavy sigh What a relief it was to not have to deal with the roller bag cops.

Just in case roller bag cops was not enough, there are also shoe cops in Disneyland. On the first day we were in CA Adventure. We were so excited to be there that we walked fast everywhere we went. Elijah’s feet started to hurt, so he took off his socks and shoes and stuffed them into his pull string bag to carry on his back. I was thrilled he’d found a solution and I didn’t have to carry his shoes. A few minutes later, apparently one of the Disney workers told him to put his shoes on. Matt didn’t see it happen and neither did I, but he was scrambling to get them on. Okay, whatever. Day two in Disneyland Sara took off her shoes and put them in Matt’s little backpack. I knew this would come back to bite us. Matt, Zack and Eli headed over to the Tower of Terrors while Sara, Josh, and I went to It’s a Bug’s Life. While waiting to get in, Sara sat down on the floor. There weren’t many people around and sure enough, the Shoe cops show up. “Put your shoes on.” We explained they’re in dad’s backpack in another part of the park and we’ll get them on as soon as we can. He repeated himself like ten times and would not let us in to the show where you just sit and watch. UGH. We back tracked out the entrance and waited for the guys to arrive.

At one point in the day I also took my shoes off. It felt so good to not have them on. But only a few minutes later, somebody noticed and told me to put my shoes back on. Nice try.

Sara and I had only brought our Vibram’s to Disneyland and our feet were hurting and swollen. I had a huge blister as well. We made a quick trip to Ross Dress for Less and found shoes to accommodate our swollen feet. I have wide feet anyway and I was worried we wouldn’t be able to find anything that would fit. After trying on more than a dozen pairs of shoes, I found a pair. They were DC’s. Yes, they are the skater shoes that are so very popular. They’re cute with stripes and wide enough for my feet. Hurray! Sara also found a cute pair to wear and we bought them. At the register Sara starts making fun of me. “Mom, something’s wrong with this picture. I think we have a generation problem here. Mom’s aren’t supposed to wear skater shoes.” Oh-well. Elijah thinks it’s the coolest thing that I bought skater shoes like his.

(more stories to come later!)

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