Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4:30 am kicks my butt!

The Herriman Rec Center has finally opened. Hurray! It's about a mile and a quarter from our house and I have been anxiously awaiting a membership. Matt signed us up right away and then managed to talk me into getting to the gym when it opens at 5am. In order to actually do this and make it a habit, we decided every day is necessary. 4:30...am? Seriously? I said yes to what? For those of you who don't know me well, I'm a night owl. I love to burn my candle at the end of the day, during the hours when the children are asleep. Oh, sleep is so precious.

Once upon a time I used to run on a regular basis. In fact, when Elijah was an infant, he would wake up about 4:15 am to nurse. After I fed and changed him, I'd hit the road with Verlene to run every morning. Then of course I'd go home and take a nap! This past year and three months Matt and I have been getting up at 6am to cook breakfast for the kids every weekday and I felt like that was uber early. Now 6am feels like sleeping in!

It's been about a year and a half since Matt and I were going to the gym down in South Jordan. Needless to say, I'm SO out of shape. Eat right and exercise is the name of the game. We downloaded a "Couch to 5K" program onto our ipods to help us build up some running stamina. It's pretty cool. I turn on the music on my ipod, then start the App and the guy tells me to walk and run. There's a five minute warm up, then I run for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds for the next 20 minutes, finally a 5 minute cool down. I'm so excited to be running again...one minute at a time! LOL! During the last two running sessions I'm basically draggin' my wagon around the track, but I'm feeling SO much better!

I'm ready to start week 2 on the Couch to 5K program. That means I'll be running for 90 seconds and then walking for 2 minutes. Woohoo! I know it's pathetic, but, at least I'm finally working on getting my butt into a nicer shape. Hopefully my belly will lose it's shape all together. In the meantime, I'm no longer a night owl. 9:30 pm rolls around and I am beat. Anything left will just have to wait for tomorrow morning. 4:30 am comes awfully fast.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Christy! You do just change habits when you get up at the crack of dawn. By the time 9 pm rolls around you are ready to crawl into that bed. I need to start getting up early and running again. Now that it's spring it will be easier to do.
