Friday, October 15, 2010

The best fudge EVER!

My mom's neighbors in her tiny Idaho town are Twila and Scott Kent. They have perfected the fudge industry. You haven't tasted amazing fudge until you've tried theirs. Every year at Christmas time, my dad buys several pounds of several flavors of fudge for us all to share. My waistline will verify that their fudge is truly amazing.

So Matt and I have started buying our water at Water-Mart in 2700 West in Riverton. If you're interested, it's in the little strip mall that's behind the Maverick that's on 126th South and 2700 West. The Water-Mart sells really good filtered water (thank you Sue for the referral!), fudge, and authentic Italian Gilato. Matt was quite excited by the fudge and decided to buy some. We bought our favorite flavors: mine is mint chocolate and Matt's is peanut butter chocolate. The mint chocolate was fine, but the peanut butter chocolate left a lot to be desired. So I let the guy know how I felt. I told him he really should do business with Twila's fudge and he wouldn't be disappointed. He actually asked for her information, so I promptly called my mom and got her home phone number.

This happened Tuesday evening. Today is Friday (same week) and I bought fudge tonight at the farmer's market in Rexburg. Scott Kent saw me and let me know he'd just signed a fudge contract in Riverton. He drove down this morning, delivered the fudge, and drove back in time for the farmer's market to start at 4 pm. HOLY COW! I told him I had given them his phone number and he gave me a nice discount on my fudge purchase!

I am SO impressed. How many businesses take your advice when you share your opinion? How many businesses are genuinely interested in hearing your opinion? Twila's fudge is truly the creamiest fudge you'll ever put in your mouth! I highly recommend you stop into the Water-Mart and try the fudge. You won't regret it! For those of you that are not local, you can find Twila's fudge at If you're looking to do a yummy spread of treats for the holidays, this is the way to go! As for me, I'll be buying Twila's fudge at the Water-Mart!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comments! We really love the fudge too. I own Watermart/Stfano's and am always looking for ways to improve our business. I'm glad you cared enough to share your thoughts and opinions.
