Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yard Sales

A great Saturday for yard sales.  The weather was cool and slightly rainy, but plenty of yard sales to shop at.  I've been hoping to find some roller blades for Kobee and I, but no luck so far.  I did find a new comforter set for my bed today that is absolutely gorgeous for $10.  It came with two pillow shams, curtains, and a table cloth to go on top of my dresser.  That was the highlight of all the stuff I bought.  

I did meet a lady today with several apple trees and a pear tree.  She says she ends up with more fruit than she knows what to do with.  I gave her my name and number and told her I'd love to take some of that fruit off her hands.  I may be doing some canning after all this fall.  I have done two different kind of freezer jam, but I tend to give at least half of it away to neighbors and ladies I visit teach.  Anyway, we'll see if she calls.

The weather has definitely changed to fall.  I'm hoping we have a good long fall so that I can get the yard work done that I didn't want to do during the heat of the summer.  I didn't get around to gardening this year because we were doing major remodeling in the kitchen, so I need to pull all the weeds that are there.  I'd like to be ready to plant a huge garden next spring.

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